Spring arrived a little late this year in Northwest Ohio. I couldn’t wait to get outside and start some outside projects, but the weather just didn’t want to break. Once I was able to spend some time outside, it didn’t take long to see that a side door entry refresh was in order. The welcome mat was worn out, there were weeds starting to poke out of last year’s mulch, and the door itself needed more than its share of some cheer.

What You’ll Need
I wanted to take this little flowerbed space and breathe a little life into it. Since our front porch is currently not usable, anyone and everyone who visits has to come in through our side door. First impressions count, and this impression was more than just a little lackluster. Here’s my list of items needed for this DIY side door entry refresh that took just a little over an hour to complete start to finish.
- Hoe
- Small Trowel
- Plants or Flowers
- Bucket for Weeds
- Mulch
- Door Mat
- Door Decor

Steps to Cleaning Up Your Garden Space
- Start by removing any weeds with your hoe or trowel. I started in a standing position and once weeds loosed up, I knelt to pull them the rest of the way. The edges needed some extra attention from the hoe. The pulled weeds went in the bucket to be added to our compost bin (as long as they weren’t seeding). This step probably took the longest amount of time since I had two smaller areas to work in and one larger section.
- Assess the plants and flowers you’re adding to your space and start plotting and digging the holes for the plants.
- Gently massage the plastic pot the plants are in to break up the soil. This also helps to release the root from the bottom of the pot so you don’t tear your plants when you remove them.
- Gently place your plant or flower into the freshly dug hole and carefully pat the dirt back into place to give your new plant some added support.
- Move down the length of your planting space, adding plants and flowers as you go. I planted my bleeding hearts first and then my clematis in the center. The small potted dianthus was last on the end.
- Once your planting is done, add some fresh mulch and spread it out evenly, flattening it with your hands.
- Water your newly planted flowers or greenery.
- Add any extra decorative touches.

A Few Notes, and What I Planted.
- To capture old-fashioned farmhouse charm, I planted pink bleeding hearts. They are perennials, which means that they will come back up year after year. I have found people tend to shy away from perennials since they tend to not look quite as good as annuals the first year. My advice is to try them longer than just the first season so they have time to acclimate.
- At our old house, I had a beautiful purple clematis and one of my daughters bought me one this year for Mother’s Day. Our daughters grew up in that house so the clematis brings those memories to mind.
- I found this chippy bicycle planter at a local antique repurposing shop and fell in love with it. So much charm! I anchored it with a metal garden pin to keep it from unbalancing and filled it with pink dianthus.
- I used untreated cedar mulch I bought from a local greenhouse in bags. Even though I love the look of black mulch, I don’t care for the dyes and chemicals. I also steer clear of bulk mulch after my sister got poison ivy one year when putting it in her garden. Apparently, more than sticks and trees were ground up in her batch! Cedar mulch also does a great job of keeping the bugs away.
- Don’t toss out those plastic pots flowers and plants come in if you’re planning to put in more flowers and veggies from seed. As long as they are sturdy, rinse them out with water and some white vinegar. They’re perfect for getting other flowers and vegetables going.

Now for the side door refresh decor
I have nothing against wreaths but I wanted to do something different for this side door entry refresh project. So, I grabbed a narrow basket I got last year in Columbus at the Country Living Fair and filled it with some faux flowers in bright and sunny colors from Michaels. While I was there, I found some burlap ribbon with lace trim there that looked so sweet. I tied that on the basket in a short little bow and voila! Super easy, quick to whip together, and I used things I already had. My final touches were a new classic welcome mat, also purchased at Michael’s, and a cute and welcoming garden stone from Carruth.

I must say I’m happy with the end result. It didn’t take long to make this side door entry refresh happen, and it will look great from now until the snow is ready to fly again. Check out the video!
What are you planting this year? I’d love to hear what you’re up to as people are spending more time at home.
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